Art with young children should always be fun, expressive, and creative. In the Early Childhood realm, a lot of Educators like to use the phrase, “It’s the Process not the Product” when it comes to art projects.

This means that the artwork they complete with their class is more geared toward creativity and free expression. Rather than cut and paste activities where the whole class’s art looks the same. 

Characteristics of Process Art defined from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are:

  • There are no step-by-step instructions
  • There is no sample for children to follow
  • There is no right or wrong way to explore and create
  • The art is focused on the experience and on exploration of techniques, tools, and materials
  • The art is unique and original
  • The experience is relaxing or calming
  • The art is entirely the children’s own
  • The art experience is a child’s choice
  • Ideas are not readily available online

At Learning Ladder Academy. Our Educators take pride in the work they do. We have a creative curriculum in place, along with our Keystone Star 4 rating, so that Educators can teach various topics to the classrooms. Below are some photos of great Process art activities completed by our classrooms.

Twaddler Room 

Preschool 2


Pre-K 2

Though, not all product driven art is a bad thing. Product art may be used around the Holidays to create gifts for family member. Our educators enjoy making product art for keepsakes, but we try to encourage more process art instead of all product. 

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